05.05.20 | Criminal Defense,

Drunk driving charge results after driver hits wall

Sometimes people’s actions can land them in difficult predicaments. Though it may be tempting to wish that a certain scenario had not happened, it may be better to think of ways to handle the repercussions of that incident. For example,…

02.19.20 | Criminal Defense,

Altercation over bacon leads to assault charge

People can often be particular about certain aspects of their lives. Unfortunately, if someone feels that a detail has not gone quite right, he or she could have what seems like an overreaction. In some cases, that overreaction can lead…

02.22.19 | Criminal Defense,

Should You Plead Guilty? Why Hiring a Lawyer is Crucial in Your Criminal Case

There is an old saying in the law: he who chooses to serve as his own lawyer has a fool for a client. Nowhere is this aphorism more apt than when it comes to deciding whether to plead guilty to criminal charges….

08.24.18 | Criminal Defense,

What to Tell Your Lawyer About Your OVI Case

It is generally agreed upon when talking to your lawyer about any legal trouble that you tell them everything. However, “everything” is a broad term. Your lawyer doesn’t need to know “everything” about your life, but they do need to…

07.06.18 | Criminal Defense,

When You Should and Should Not Refuse a Breathalyzer Test

When it comes to OVI arrests in Ohio, the internet is flooded with seemingly conflicting information. Should you refuse a breathalyzer test? Should you submit to avoid harsher penalties? What happens if you refuse? It can all be very complicated…

06.08.18 | Criminal Defense,

Dumb Mistakes: Some Criminals Just Don’t Think Before They Act

Almost every day, there’s a new story about dumb mistakes that will make you shake your head. We love to recap stories in which criminals appear to act without common sense. This could be viewed as all in good fun,…