Certain situations in life can leave individuals feeling as if the floor has dropped out from beneath them. An event may occur in which they find themselves wishing they had prepared better, but instead, they are left with a pit…
Thinking about the death of a loved one is difficult. Even if a family member is not sick or elderly, it can still be emotional to even consider life without someone you love. Still, there are times when it is…
Getting your affairs in order may not seem like a joyful task. However, you may still feel like the time has come to assess your assets and your wishes to determine how you would like your estate handled after your…
In a regular sense, most people want to stay out of the personal affairs of others. However, when a loved one dies, it is typically necessary for someone to step in as executor or administrator to settle the final affairs…
Finding the perfect home is no easy task. Many Ohio residents spend months looking at listings before landing on the house that they feel is best for them. While some may think that finding the property is the hardest part,…
Some Ohio residents may think that they do not need to create an estate plan because they are not overly wealthy. However, holding on to this notion could actually cause a considerable number of difficulties for surviving family members in…