Ohio law enforcement officers are typically held to a higher standard than regular civilians. Still, cops are human and sometimes make mistakes and errors in judgment that can get them in trouble with the law. In one recent case, a Columbus police officer was accused of street racing as well as driving under the influence.
Incident and arrest
The incident occurred back on Jan. 3 around 9 p.m. Ohio State Highway Patrol troopers pulled over a 27-year-old Columbus police officer who was said to be racing with her friend, a 26-year-old woman, on I-270 West. According to court records, the pair reached speeds of over 100 mph in a 65-mph zone.
During the traffic stop, troopers noticed a smell of alcohol from the officer and conducted a field sobriety test. The officer apparently failed the test and was arrested. She is facing several misdemeanor charges that include operating a vehicle impaired, exceeding the posted speed limit, and drag and street racing. Her friend was also placed under arrest for similar charges. The officer is apparently still on the job with the Columbus Division of Police.
Right to defense
The officer’s defense counsel has filed motions to suppress the field sobriety results and has questioned the constitutionality of the traffic stop and administration of the tests. The pretrial hearing has been rescheduled for April 24. Only time will tell what, if any, repercussions come from the arrest. Anyone in Ohio charged with a felony or misdemeanor needs an experienced criminal defense attorney to help them contest the charges and pursue the best outcome possible.