When facing criminal charges, the defense options available will be different for each person. It can certainly seem like a stressful and difficult scenario to be in, and some people may feel panicked by the legal ordeal ahead. However, remaining as calm as possible and exploring available defense options may help individuals address their predicament as effectively as possible.
One man in Ohio will undoubtedly want to gain information about his case after recently being taken into custody. According to reports, the man was involved in an altercation and allegedly fired a weapon multiple times. At least some of the shots hit a 5-year-old boy in the leg. It did not appear that the man was aiming for the boy. Authorities arrived at the scene, and the child was taken to an area hospital with injuries that were not considered life-threatening.
The 26-year-old man was taken into custody and is facing multiple charges. Among the allegations are felonious assault, evidence tampering, probation violation and weapons under disability. It was unclear whether the man was still in custody at the time of the report or whether he had posted bail.
Though his situation may seem bleak, it is important that this Ohio man remembers that he is presumed innocent until — and only if — he is proven guilty in a court of law. He has the opportunity to explore his defense options and determine how he might feel most comfortable moving forward. His ordeal will certainly be challenging, but he does not have to try to get through it alone.