While there may be a great deal of research that goes into the process of setting appropriate speed limits, not all drivers are inclined to adhere to similar traffic laws. While some might feel that there is little harm in going a few miles over the posted limit, there are numerous reasons why this can be a dangerous decision. Similar issues play a role in many car accidents and evaluating the hazardous effects of speeding could help drivers in California better understand the risk involved.
The risks
Studies indicate that excessive speeding continues to be a contributing factor in nearly one out of every three collisions. One of the most hazardous aspects of excessive speeding may involve the impact it can have on driver response times. Along with reducing reaction times, speeding also increases stopping distances and when mixed, these two concerns can be a dangerous combination.
Studies also state that speeding can also affect a driver’s ability to maintain awareness of surroundings, which can also prove hazardous by nature. When collisions take place, the presence of speeding may also increase the amount of force involved at the time of impact. As such, crashes involving similar forms of negligence may run a much greater risk of carrying severe or even fatal repercussions.
When disaster strikes
Car accidents involving speeding drivers continue to affect the lives of many families. Individuals who suffer serious harm or experience an untimely loss due to such reckless behaviors may wish to exercise their rights to seek restitution in civil court, and they could choose to retain the services of a personal injury attorney for assistance in the process. An attorney can help a client in California prepare to make informed choices about his or her case and assist in pursuing the full amount of restitution deserved through the proper outlets.